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BBC 地平线系列:怀胎九月
Horizon explores the secrets of what makes a long, healthy and happy life. It turns out that a time you can't remember - the nine months you spend in the womb - could have more lasting effects on you today than your lifestyle or genes. It is one of the most powerful and provocative new ideas in human science, and it was pioneered by a British scientist, Professor David Barker. ...
BBC 地平线系列:看星
Around the world, a new generation of astronomers are hunting for the most mysterious objects in the universe. Young stars, black holes, even other forms of life.   They have created a dazzling new set of super-telescopes that promise to rewrite the story of the heavens.   This film follows the men and women who are pushing the limits of science and engineering in some of the most ...
本部纪录片是BBC地平线系列推出的一档讲述人类的好朋友——狗狗的纪录片。人类和狗狗已经共同生活了一万两千多年,狗狗与人类的亲密程度远远胜过其他动物,它们就是我们日常生活的一部分。不过,除了这段共同度过的漫长岁月,我们对犬类朋友的真正了解又有多少呢? 主持人达拉斯·坎贝尔一路翻查地平线系列档案,试图通过科学的方式找出我们是否应该改变我们对待他们的方式,用新思维和新方法来善待我们最好的朋友狗狗。从调查狗狗的原始狼性中,他发现人类对于犬类的演变起到了至关重要的影响。达拉斯探索着人类与犬类的紧密关系,以及我们该如何更好的利用和管理它们。   四十多年来,地平线节目和英国广播公司,一直致力于犬类本性的研究。
主持人Liz Bonnin一头钻进发明家的世界,揭示那些势必将彻底转变我们的生活的人物和技术。她检验了那些使得21世纪成为发明创新的黄金时代的条件,并且拜访了世界上一些最富有远见的、最不受约束的梦想家...
Michael Mosley explores the latest science about how our personalities are created - and whether they can be changed.   Despite appearances, Mosley is a pessimist who constantly frets about the future. He wants to worry less and become more of an optimist.   He tries out two techniques to change this aspect of his personality - with surprising results.   And he travels to the frontie...
爱丽斯·罗伯茨教授身怀着她的第二个孩子,她想在他出生之前探索“人之为人”这个问题。人类基因中有99%的部分是与黑猩猩相同的;然而从出生的那一刻起,人类的生活就完全不一样。所以,人类是否仅仅是一个普通的物种,抑或人类有特殊之处?   爱丽斯教授探索了我们的身体结构、我们的基因、以及最终我们的大脑,试图发现什么终究造就了人类。
In Los Angeles, a remarkable experiment is underway; the police are trying to predict crime, before it even happens.   At the heart of the city of London, one trader believes that he has found the secret of making billions with maths. In South Africa, astronomers are attempting to catalogue the entire cosmos. These very different worlds are united by one thing - an extraordinary ...
我爱你,愿赴千里,我想你,即刻出发。电影改编自迟子建小说《踏着月光的行板》,讲述了一对新婚燕尔的恩爱小夫妻林秀珊(张子枫 饰)、王锐(胡先煦 饰),因工作分居两地,见面十分不易。一个惊喜假期来袭,他们踏上了一段双向奔赴的纯爱之旅,列车行驶于黑暗中,两人欣喜地期待着黎明。途中他们遇见了形形色色的乘客,见证了人生百态,也领略了爱情的真谛。疲惫的一天过去,月亮高挂时,他俩是否实现了小小的心愿?
Plankton’s world is flipped upside down when his plan for world domination is thwarted. Plankton runs the Chum Bucket restaurant alongside Karen, a waterproof computer that doubles as his sidekick and wife.
查理(约翰·特拉沃塔 John Travolta 饰)和丹(罗宾·威廉斯 Robin Williams 饰)不仅是相处多年的老友,还是合作无间的工作伙伴,一起经历了这么多年的风风雨雨,两人之间的友谊真挚诚恳牢不可破。   前妻的突然出现打破了丹平静的生活,因为她带来了两个小鬼头并告诉丹他们是他的孩子。对于这两个小孩,一向糊里糊涂的丹根本就闻所未闻,也无法确定,他们是否真的和自己血脉相通,在混乱之中,两个孩子就这样进入了丹的生活。对照顾孩子毫无经验的丹请来了查理充当“军师”,两个男人、两个孩子和一条狗,会有怎样妙趣横生的故事发生在这个奇特的“大家庭”之中呢?