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Is your smart phone making you stupid? Can you make yourself cleverer? The Great British Intelligence Test measures the brainpower of the nation in one of the largest intelligence experiments of its kind.   Devised with leading scientists at Imperial College, London, over 250,000 people around the nation have taken part so far - revealing important new science about the nation’s ...
According to the UN, it is predicted that the human population could reach ten billion people by the year 2050. For broadcaster and naturalist Chris Packham, who has dedicated his life to championing the natural world, the subject of our growing population and the impact it is having on our planet is one of the most vital – and often overlooked – topics of discussion in an era ...
In America it’s an epidemic. Now new evidence raises concern about the UK’s use of prescription opioids. Michael Mosley goes on an immersive journey to ask what can be done about it.   The opioid epidemic has devastated America. But what’s the situation here? A new report from Public Health England raises serious concerns about Britain's own relationship with painkillers. Dr Mich...
科拉多 西拉的到来
Nicolas is an artist, a filmmaker who merely wants to express himself and whom everyone wishes to reduce to silence. When he first starts out in Georgia, the "ideologists" hope to gag him, concerned that his work does not follow the set rules. In the face of their determination, Nicolas leaves his homeland for France - the land of freedom and democracy. But the "state of grace"...
故事讲述女主角樱井香菜(堀田茜 饰)与渣男男友分手后参加了一个相亲聚会,在聚会中邂逅了10名优秀的男士,这其中只有1位是她的真命天子,剩下的9位全都是骗子。香菜不得不逐个戳穿谎言并找到真爱。
1934年(昭和9年)日本的汽车需求急剧增加。除欧洲厂商外,美国的福特和通用汽车也正式进入日本市场,日本汽车市场进入战国时代。在爱知县经营通用汽车销售店“日出汽车”的山崎亘(内野圣阳饰)一贯反对美国厂商不平等的销售方针,常常要求美方改进做法。但总部位于大阪的日本通用汽车对他的意见置之不理。   一天,在从大阪回名古屋的路上,山崎遇到了在山路边修理试验车的爱知佐一郎(佐藤浩市饰),这次相遇成为两人命运的交汇,之后佐一郎为了做大做强日本国产汽车而殚精竭虑,山崎则开设“爱知汽车”销售一号店,担负起销售爱知汽车并扶持爱知汽车发展的重担。他们带领着一群以制造国产汽车、销售国产汽车为梦想的人,走上了坎坷但可歌可泣的道路。谨以此片,向为振兴国家事业而努力的每一个人致敬!
After decades of conspiracy theories and shrouding secrecy, the CIA finally acknowledged the existence of Area 51. But that was all. The actions on the enigmatic military base continue to be unknown to this day. Now, a motley crew of military service members, government workers, and lowly technicians find themselves thrust into the center of the infamous site's darkest mysterie...
5 cousins discover a diabolical game that meets their deepest desires, they just have to be prepared to lose the most valuable things in their lives.
A group of friends get stranded in a seemingly deserted small town and find themselves stalked by a violent gang of psychopaths dressed as clowns.几个朋友困到一个看似废弃的小镇上,他们发现他们被一伙装扮成小丑样子的具有暴力倾向的精神病跟踪。。。