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伊蕾内·阿尔科斯 , 玛尔塔·米兰斯 , 维罗妮卡·桑切兹 , 罗伯托·恩里奎兹 , 阿尔瓦罗·莫奇
Written by the award-winning Daragh Carville, The Bay is a compelling and beautifully crafted crime story rooted in the families and communities of a distinctive coastal town. When Family Liaison Officer Lisa Armstrong (Morven Christie) is assigned to a missing persons investigation, at first it seems like any other – tragic, but all too familiar. But there’s something very dif...
We return to the story of Faith Howells some 18 months after her husband Evan returned to Abecorran in time to see his wife in the arms of Steve Baldini. Evan has pulled Faith into a dark and dangerous world and she's still paying the price.
Eight friends, all in a stable relationship, decide to venture into a game of sexual discovery by exchanging couples while trying to free themselves from their daily routine and add a spicy touch to their love life.
Marco (Mario Casas) is a young businessman who manages one of the most successful technological companies in the world, ALVA, which has just launched its latest prototype into the market - CYCLONE, an electric car propelled by turbines that turn wind into energy. His friend and classmate Diego works with him, along with the latter's wife, Bárbara, the efficient marketing manager of the company. Eva, a young, ambitious engineer who has a lot to hide, also joins the team, and she will disrupt the balance at work, both emotionally and professionally, between the two business partners. In spite of being a popular guy, Marco, unlike Diego, doesn't have an exciting social life. He is a solitary man, and no one has access to the intimacy of his soul, apart from his psychologist, SARA, on whom he is emotionally dependent. Marco is haunted by a huge number of ghosts from his past and, although he tries hard to scare them away, he only finds comfort in sport and in frequenting a private club. People go there just to get pleasure and give free reign to their wildest erotic fantasies, without fear of falling in love, as everyone has to wear a mask to hide their faces. But everything changes when Marco meets Carol, the new educational psychologist who looks after his brother José, an 18-year-old boy with problems of autism, with whom he has a difficult relationship. With her, he will also meet his worst enemy - himself. Thanks to her, he will discover that it is never too late to love, even if it brings some pain along with it.
女主马卡蕾娜是一个为爱奋不顾身的女人,爱上不该爱的人— 她的老板, 被其指控犯有诈骗,携款潜逃等多项罪名,被关进了南科鲁兹私人监狱.。本剧讲述了她在狱中复杂的人际关系,与对头祖蕾玛,室友所蕾莉斯还有狱警法比奥等等,交织出了一张爱恨情仇的大网。
《黑狱悲歌》以 20 世纪 90 年代中期为背景,故事主角克里斯蒂娜是一位诚实、敬业的律师,她发现关系疏远的哥哥被关在监狱,并且是不断壮大的犯罪团伙的头目。在警方的要求下,她成为一名线人,来对付自己一直崇拜的哥哥。但随着她渗透到兄弟会内部,她开始质疑到底什么是正义和公平。
A stripper sets out to prove his innocence for a crime he didn't commit and was unjustly incarcerated for seven years earlier.