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The Ebola virus. No-one knows exactly where it comes from but one thing is certain - it's one of the most virulent infections known to science. This special episode of Horizon meets the scientists and doctors from all around the world looking for the cure and hears first-hand accounts of what it's actually like to catch - and survive - this terrible disease.
Changes to the bacteria that live inside all of us are responsible for increasing the number of people with allergies, suggests new research.   In this episode of Horizon, the show investigates this claim by conducting a unique experiment with two allergic families in order to find out just what it is in the modern world that is to blame. With a raft of mini cameras, GPS units an...
Dr Michael Mosley seeks to establish the truth about meat. Every year, humans raise and eat 65 billion animals - nine animals for every person on the globe. In this eye-opening documentary, Michael examines the impact that this is having on the planet and finds out what meat eco-friendly carnivores should be buying. Is it better to buy free-range organic or factory-farmed meat?...
Dr Michael Mosley seeks to establish the truth about meat. Are those barbecue favourites like burgers and sausages really that bad? Should we all go vegetarian instead?   Michael uncovers the latest science and puts it to the test on a high-meat diet. Will eating beef and bacon every day be bad for him? What meat should a healthy carnivore be buying?
quot;Clean Eating"是欧美正在流行的趋势,新鲜、自然的食材能"清洁"身体,但事实果真如此吗,新陈代谢专家Giles Yeo博士深入调查。   Dr Giles Yeo investigates the latest diet craze and social media sensation - clean eating. Giles cooks with Ella Mills and sifts through the claims of the Hemsley sisters.    http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b08bhd29/horizon-20162017-18-clean-eating-the-dirty-truth#long-descriptio
Alice Roberts explores the latest discoveries in the study of human origins, revealing the transformation that has been brought about in this field by genetics.   Traditional paleo-anthropology, based on fossils, is being transformed by advanced genome sequencing techniques. We now know that there were at least four other distinct species of human on the planet at the same time a...
年輕媽媽凱西為了逃離家暴的陰影,帶著三個小孩住進了一幢舊屋。原本以為這會是破碎家庭的避風港,沒料到入住之後,才是一連串心神不寧的開始。   凱西一直難以將暴力惡夢擺脫,但無獨有偶,丈夫的雙胞胎兄弟卻在此時找上門,再度喚起這個不願記起的惡夢。而活蹦亂跳的小孩們,開始告訴媽媽牆壁之後似乎有些詭異,牆壁上的通風口後面有音樂開始傳出……。
科尔(扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron 饰)从小就立志成为一名音乐制作人,如今,他是一名电音DJ,很显然,科尔正在凭借着自己的努力,一步一步的向着梦想迈进。DJ詹姆斯(韦斯·本特利 Wes Bentley 饰)亦曾经有过一段和科尔相似的青涩岁月,他迷惘过,放纵过,狂妄过,在经历了挫折和困难的洗礼之后,詹姆斯终于成为了一名成功的音乐人,拥有了科尔幻想着能够拥有的一切。   命运让科尔和詹姆斯相遇了,仿佛是开玩笑一般,上帝又将一位名叫苏菲(艾米丽·拉塔科夫斯基 Emily Ratajkowski 饰)的美丽女孩放到了两人的身边。毫无疑问地,科尔和詹姆斯同时爱上了温柔善良的苏菲,与此同时,当科尔渐渐深入音乐界,才发现这里的一切是如此的复杂和陌生。
林莎(艾斯黛拉·沃伦 Estella Warren 饰)是典型的新时代女性,独立自强,向往自由的生活。林莎和名为马克思(大卫·艾根伯格 David Eigenberg 饰)的男子交往多年,然而,对婚姻的恐惧和踌躇令两人的关系停滞不前,令林莎感到非常苦恼。   林莎决定和马克思开始一段冷静期。期间,她积极的参加联谊活动,结识新人,就此认识了A.J(贾斯汀·柯克 Justin Kirk 饰),两人无论在兴趣还是思想上都格外合拍,彼此之间生出了相见恨晚的感情。随着时间的推移,林莎对于婚姻的认识渐渐成熟和完备起来,她决定回到马克思的身边,然而,就在此时林莎发现,自己无法忘记和AJ一起度过的快乐时光。
警视厅搜查一课长 新特别篇
内藤剛志主演!   人気ミステリー『警視庁?捜査一課長』の新作スペシャルを   2週連続放送!!   【第1夜】警視庁?捜査一課長 新作スペシャルⅠ   第1弾は――隅田川を走る屋形船に爆弾が…!?   しかも…消えた死体が隅田川~奥多摩を瞬間移動!?   大岩一課長と壇蜜演じる女刑事が、“ホシを挙げる”!   【第2夜】警視庁?捜査一課長 新作スペシャルⅡ   「ウソをついたら爆発」!?   狙われた、女性宇宙飛行士候補!   山本舞香演じる新人刑事と大岩一課長が、“ホシ”を追う!!