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In Seoul, hundreds of young boys compete to be the best at one single video game: Star-craft. As top players earn hundreds of thousands of euros, being a professional gamer isn't only a wise career move, it is also the path to respect and credibility in the highly competitive society of South Korea. The stars of the Star-craft league are national celebrities, participating on a...
Andrew is chosen by God and is called out of his mischievous childhood to partake in the kingdom of God. Andrew must go through trials, tests, and spiritual warfare, before the mystery of the kingdom of God is finally revealed to him.
An inside look at Pete Buttigieg campaign to run for President of the United States.by: www.qujuji.com
Tells the deeply personal and poignant stories of three Indigenous AFL players.
After filming one of the most unusual attacks ever seen in the African savannahfour cheetahs being brutally attacked by two male lionsfilmmaker Reinhard "Leo" Kuenkel joins forces with world-renowned lion expert Craig Packer to decipher what happened during this incredible take down, and more importantly, why it happened in the first place. They go frame by frame though the foo...
Devastated by the recent kidnapping of his 15-year-old son, Largo Winch looks on, helpless, as his business partner commits suicide during a live press conference. As everything turns against him, as his business empire starts to fail, he discovers that the two events are perhaps linked: if he finds the criminals responsible, he will perhaps see his son again. From Canada to Bu...
影片讲述了法国皇帝拿破仑(华金·菲尼克斯 Joaquin Phoenix 饰)从士兵到帝王波澜壮阔的一生,展现了拿破仑非凡的军事才能和战略远见。并通过他与其唯一挚爱约瑟芬(凡妮莎·柯比 Vanessa...
前世情缘,梦中寻觅。家国太平,英雄铸成!影片是《神话》的姊妹篇,讲述房教授(成龙 饰)在考古时挖掘出神秘的萨满古玉,它引领着房教授和助手王靖(张艺兴 饰)梦回西汉,化身骁勇善战的汉军将领,征战于无垠的河西草原,率骑兵抗击匈奴守护家国,并与匈奴公主梦云(娜扎 饰)展开一段跨越千年的前世情缘。为寻真相,房教授和助手邀请好友雷振(李晨 饰)深入万年冰川中找寻祭天圣地,欲揭开这段不为人知、横跨千古的传奇故事,却遭萨满专家赫伯尔(李治廷 饰)的阻挠……