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年轻的瓦伦汀(詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊 James McAvoy 饰)应聘成为大文豪列夫·托尔斯泰(克里斯托弗·普卢默 Christopher Plummer 饰)的秘书和助手,目睹了晚年文豪和他妻子索菲娅(海伦·米伦 Helen Mirren 饰)之间爱恨交织的深刻情感。托尔斯泰不满索菲娅奢侈的生活习惯,索菲娅则看不惯托尔斯泰和“激进派”弟子弗拉基米尔·切科夫(保罗·吉亚玛提 Paul Giamatti 饰)的合作,围绕着托尔斯泰,两度力量始终较劲,瓦伦汀也被牵扯进去,分别为索菲娅和切科夫写日记,记录托翁晚年生活,同时也和托翁崇拜者玛莎(凯瑞·康顿 Kerry Condon 饰)产生了感情。疲惫的托尔斯泰终于选择离家出走,弥留在最后的车站,而索菲娅和切科夫的斗争直到最后一刻都未止息……
Copper Jack Stone purposefully orchestrates a bank robbery in order to be thrown into prison with the notorious Russian kingpin Balam. Balam is more than just a mob criminal; he"s a very cunning and dangerous lord who controls the police force from behind bars. Balam lives in prison as a cover for his real power, which is King of the city. His cell is a lavish private room buil...
1975年的《大君主》这部电影正正是描写D-day 1944.6.6盟军二战最大的诺曼底“大君主”登陆行动,由斯图尔特·库珀 导演,柏林电影节金熊奖影片,本片是之后许多电影参考的二战佳作。   电影背景:   一九四四年六月六日的清晨,以美英军为主的同盟国军队於法国南部诺曼第海滩登陆。开闢了所谓的第二战场,计划代称为「大君主作战」(OPERATION OVERLORD),也有人翻成太上(皇)或统主或霸主(中国大陆翻)。其实OVERLORD是指一位英国君主。由於诺曼地登陆的保密措施,许多人并不知道真正的攻击发起时间,最高当局一律以代号称之,Dday代表攻击发起日,H时代表发动攻击时间.盟军以后的各项攻击行动都以此模式实施。盟军并採取大规模的欺敌措施,一项代号为「坚忍」的欺敌行动,误导德军,以为盟军将於海峡最窄处的加莱登陆。同时并实施大规模空袭,削弱诺曼第附近德...
初出茅庐的摄影师小山田(金子大地 饰)在工作中结识了业余模特由佳(石川瑠华 饰)并被她所吸引,两人开始了交往,以由佳为模特的作品在比赛中获奖,小山田开始得到周围人的认可。但在无意中撞见由佳的前男友后,他逐渐怀疑起由佳的过往…
Only for Tereza is a romantic comedy full of awkward situations and errors, which proves, that fighting for love can sometimes be incredibly arduous, especially when life slaps you in the face all the time. The characters of the "severely tried couple" are played by Igor Orozovic and Veronika Khek Kubarova, supported by David Matásek, Lenka Vlasáková or Matous Ruml.
In the feelgood drama June Again a twist of fate gives family matriarch June a reprieve from a debilitating illness. Much to their amazement, June re-enters the lives of her adult children, Ginny and Devon, and learns that ‘things haven’t gone according to plan’. With limited time but plenty of pluck, she sets about trying to put everything, and everyone, back on track. When he...
Creation Stories tells the unforgettable tale of infamous Creation Records label head Alan McGee; and of how one written-off young Glaswegian upstart rose to irrevocably change the face of British culture.
赌性不改的阿瑞是百货夜间保全,不时向前妻调头寸,内心愁苦也只能向橱窗假人诉说;在戏院打工的弟仔暗恋同事,对方却与外国男友热恋中,他再努力背单字,也挣不来梦想中的爱情。这对父子相依为命,扮演不了彼此的生活出口,无声有声的陪伴都只是虚假的寄託。詹凯迪首部剧情长片,透过金钱和 语言分别呈现两代的翻身欲望,但他们真正能做的,只有开着买不起的名车,去兜兜风。
How did Orhan, a down-to-earth family man, turn into the killer of his coma-stricken mother?
A young mother attempts to pick up the pieces after a horrible accident damages her memory, but she soon begins to suspect that her husband's indiscretions are what caused her suffering and her whole family might still be in danger.