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Talent and passion for music can take one to the very top. On the way, however, there are going to be showbiz traps. There is money, fame and fan crowds involved. Will a young girl be able to fight for her dreams in this no-holds-barred world where fame is so elusive? A controversial talent show called "Music Race" keeps looking for talented singers all over the country. The decision on who will be started-up for a career and who will get a cold shower is always up to the three jurors: a once-popular singer, Olo (Maciej Zakoscielny), social media queen, Ewa (Julia Kaminska), and the dame of Polish jazz, Urszula Dudziak (playing herself). During an audition held in Olo's home town, there is a row. The person who starts it is "Ostra" (played by Katarzyna Sawczuk). The rebel teen is outraged by the juror's arrogant and dismissive behaviour towards her mother (Anita Sokolowska). The small scandal suits the show's producer (Tomasz Karolak), who pushes "Ostra" through to the next stage. There, it will turn out that the girl doesn't just have a fiery temper, but a great voice as well. Success, though, comes at a price. Being popular is not as pleasant as many people think. Our teenage hero will have to face a genuine test of integrity and character. The young star is about to take on her stage competition, the ruthless world of show business, and, most importantly, her own feelings.
德国导演Detlev Buck也在本土筹备一部新片,把德语作家Daniel Kehlmann连续37周占据《明镜周刊》畅销书榜首的《测量世界》搬上银幕,并且使用3D技术拍摄。这两部作品论起共同点的话除了畅销之外都有着交叉的人生和激动人心的探险故事。《测量世界》主人公是18世纪末德国的两位古怪天才,分别是博物学家洪堡与数学家高斯,用着各自的方式在进行着“测量世界”,直到最后两人的生活才有了交集。写该书时的Daniel Kehlmann只有30岁。《测量世界》与迈克尔·哈内克的新作《爱》(伊莎贝尔·于佩尔出演)等片一起获得了今年Berlin Film Board的资助,目前由Detlev Buck在打磨剧本,具体开机时间未定,但毫无疑问,它将成为德国迄今制作规模最大的3D影片。
At an underdeveloped area, electricians flock together. Dol-soei, an orphan electrician in the group, secretly admires Soon-ee, the daughter of the town's barman. Sadly, Soon-ee has feelings for Eun-gi, a handsome electrician. Dol-soei finally works up the courage to tell Soon-ee that he likes her but she rejects him coldly. One day, Ba-woo, a pudgy electrician with a bad-temper, lures Soon-ee to a dark alley and tries to molest her, but Dol-soei rescues her in time. Regardless of his efforts, Soon-ee is only interested in Eun-gi. Crushed, Dol-soei packs up and leaves the town without a word.
又到我们出场的时候了!                                                                      正祖19年。不知道是收到当时的王密令还是                                                                      什么理由 遭到王的厌恶 被流放到孤岛之上的朝鲜最强名侦探金民。                                                                      找到他的人是过去的搭档瑞弼                                                                      还有一位寻找每天一起的弟弟的妙龄少女。                                                                      在此之中金民得知在朝鲜战地有不法白银在流通的消息,                                                                      因此沉睡的侦探本能就此唤醒。                                                                      结果逃出流放之地                                                                      对白银非法流通已经追查少女行踪不明的弟弟展开正式的调查                                                                      史上最初同时解决两起案件的朝鲜名侦探金民还有瑞弼                                                                      但是由于无法了解真实身份的貌美女子寿子,这对名搭档的调查显得越发混乱                                                                      究竟两人能否揭开这两起可疑的事件,重新找回过去光荣的历史荣誉呢?                                                                      朝鲜最棒的名侦探搭档,金民和瑞弼回来了!                                                                      “危机的朝鲜。就交给我们来搞定吧”
1782年,朝鲜正祖为了反对老论的势力,查办各地贪污,期间任命崔侧根(金明民 饰)为探正,他即是朝鲜史上出色的一位侦探。一位户房因为揭发贪污行为被杀,崔侧根巧妙的揪出了患有色盲症的真凶,然而凶手马上又被不明杀手用清国进口的铁针杀死,案件陷入了僵局。 崔侧根收用狗盗高手韩西弼(吴达洙 饰)为助手后,接下了调查烈女案的任务。老论首领任判书的侄女金贤英为贞洁自杀,她生前开辟高山乌头农场,宣扬平等理念,深得奴隶爱戴,金贤英死后,农场被交给美艳的韩商行(韩智敏 饰)打理,而韩商行也与清国铁针有着千丝万缕的联系。仇恨天主教势力的任判书和韩商行之间亦颇有渊源,贪污案和烈女案的线索交织,同时指向了韩商行……©豆瓣
电影《朝鲜名侦探》系列的第三部,由金明民、吴达洙、金智媛、李民基和金泛主演。 延续了之前的搞笑悬疑风格。为了解决疑惑的吸血连续杀人案而再次团聚的名侦探金镇(金明民 饰)和西弼(吴达洙 饰),与失去记忆的女人(金智媛 饰)一起破案探险的喜剧片。
A young homeless man happens to draw a series of illustrations over dusty surfaces, gradually recovering from the pains of his past.
故事讲述了以刀哥(陈小春 饰)和高飞(彭敬慈 饰)为首的一群普通人,在一场离奇的地铁事故中,遭遇到变异嗜血的生化蜈蚣,众人从一开始的猜忌自保,到最后齐心协力共同对战地底巨兽的故事。影片中凶残无比的怪异巨型蜈蚣、诡谲莫测的地下洞窟、坠落深渊的环线地铁,所有的一切都让逃生之路变的危机重重。
故事讲述了以刀哥(陈小春 饰)和高飞(彭敬慈 饰)为首的一群普通人,在一场离奇的地铁事故中,遭遇到变异嗜血的生化蜈蚣,众人从一开始的猜忌自保,到最后齐心协力共同对战地底巨兽的故事。影片中凶残无比的怪异巨型蜈蚣、诡谲莫测的地下洞窟、坠落深渊的环线地铁,所有的一切都让逃生之路变的危机重重。
连环扣( 2022)
A hit and run of an 18 year old girl becomes the hub of a wheel that sets into motion many a spoke - a journalist , a raging mother, a cop and a system all caught in an ethical dilemma. Questions raised only to realise that truth is rarely pure and never simple.