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塔兰图拉毒蛛(Tarantola dal ventre nero, La)由吉安卡罗·吉安尼尼 克劳迪娜·奥格尔 芭芭拉·布薛特等巨星主演,由著名的恐怖片导演Paolo Cavara执导。   铬黄,是意大利早期生产的低俗小说的纸张颜色,代表着陈旧、劣质和通俗。铬黄电影的内容也就离不开市井气的凶杀、通奸和诱拐,简单来讲,就是我们现在所说的“三俗”,也可以说是“意大利的杀人狂电影”。被残虐的对象99.9%是无辜的年轻女性,死亡前都有不同程度地折磨。以达里奥·阿真托、卢西奥·福奇和马里奥·巴瓦为首的铬黄大师们,用各种变态的手段无所不用其极地蹂躏着可怜的花朵,也摧残着我们的视听系统。刀片锐利无比,娇嫩的皮肤像白纸一样脆弱,鲜血像加了水泵一样喷涌四溅。 www.chaoji365.com
Herrera , JC , Jordan , Vera , de , 梅赛德丝·卡布莱
Brother Theng (Pongsak Pongsuwan), a young monk, moves to a temple in a village where villagers still foolishly believe in ghosts and spirits. Thinking of how to develop a better way of life for the villagers, he intends to renew the villagers' belief to more reasonable ways with the help from his followers like Song (Note Chern-Yim) and Pian (Sarawut Poomthong). But it's not s...
Noi is a rock star who starts to feel bore within materialistic Thai society. He eventually finds the path to tranquility and peace by entering the monkhood. Now Noi is a young, self-confident, and stubborn monk who has to deal with many hilarious situations with his new companions. It seems like Noi can't really escape from his confusing rock star world after all.
The Holy Man 2, the sequel to the comedy The Holy Man, introduces you to a new young monk named Brother Joey (Joey Boy) who replaces the position of the former Holy Man.   Once he arrives at the temple, Brother Joey is assigned to develop the run-down temple as well as solve the problem that the temple is now facing; rock explosion that covers the temple causes allergenic dust an...
保险公司CEO叶瑾(郑秀文 饰),是众人心中不怒而威的霸道女总裁,对爱情感到绝望的她认为只有对孩子的感情才是永恒的,于是决定借精生子。在严格的层层筛选后,帅气不羁的快递员肖博(张孝全 饰)意外成为孩子父亲的最终人选。有苦难言的肖博,义无反顾地签订了“变态”合约。而此时故事才刚刚开始…
保险公司CEO叶瑾(郑秀文 饰),是众人心中不怒而威的霸道女总裁,对爱情感到绝望的她认为只有对孩子的感情才是永恒的,于是决定借精生子。在严格的层层筛选后,帅气不羁的快递员肖博(张孝全 饰)意外成为孩子父亲的最终人选。有苦难言的肖博,义无反顾地签订了“变态”合约。而此时故事才刚刚开始…
小库珀·古丁 , 提姆·阿贝尔 , 阿什利·斯科特
故事发生在古代的南美洲一个帝国。这个帝国年轻的国王Kuzco虚荣心极重,为了大肆庆祝自己十八岁的生日,他决定在帝国首都附近的一座山上建立一座宫殿。山上世代在此生活的居民一时陷入了困境,村民Pacha来到皇宫请求Kuzco考虑下当地居民的处境,收回成命,但遭到Kuzco一口回绝。   于此同时,邪恶女祭司Yzma准备投毒杀害Kuzco夺取王位,但她的跟班Kronk搞错了毒药,误将变身药给了Kuzco吃。于是,Kuzco变成了一头骡马,并阴差阳的错上了Pacha的车去了山上的村庄。Yzma得知后,对Kuzco展开了一系列追杀,而Kuzco也在Pacha等人的帮助下展开了反击!