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The story, written by Zsófi Lányi, revolves around thirtysomething identical twins éva and Adél. They are very distant and different from one another, but they lead equally hypocritical lifestyles and need to face up to reality when they fall in love with the same guy, who is everything they are not: radically open, direct and naive. They end up in a bizarre, unfulfilled love a...
Disaster movies tend to inhabit the close-but-not-too-close realm of the ‘what if?’, but Quentin Reynaud’s taut drama evokes a reality that is painfully immediate, as the world combusts around us. Alex Lutz (recently seen as the son in Gaspar Noé’s Vortex) plays a man determined to escape with his elderly father (the ineffable André Dussollier) from a wildfire that is rapidly a...
A stray dog named Gump is searching for his place in the human world. He wishes to get a companion, but has to endure several challenges along the way.
年届半百的老男孩米榭,膝下有一个17岁的儿子和刚出生不久的孩子,但他一点也不想负起照顾责任,反而花大把时间泡在摩托车的世界里。老男孩离过婚、酗过酒、反复戒毒,还没有固定工作。明明睡得不多,却把人生活得像场失序的恶梦,总在半梦半醒之际试图挣扎著脱身,不让自己被失败淹没。   导演罗伊细腻描绘一位有药物成瘾的中年男子,在遇上生命中各种崩溃时刻――毒瘾发作、照顾新生儿、经济困顿时的处境,带出社会中许多隐形人的人生烦恼。他保留男主角面临困难时偶然展现的纯真可爱,也不以冲突紧张来描绘贫困与成瘾的问题,而是保留真实性,引导观众脱离上帝视角,亦不因悲情而寄予同情。   Michel, a former junkie, is an eternal kid who only dreams of motorcycles and hangs out with his eldest...
Thomas, the father of 12-year-old Paul, has disappeared without a trace for a year now. When the boy and his best friend Max spend the summer holidays on the Swabian Alb, the two try to investigate the disappearance of Paul's father. To do this, they want to find a legendary cave that Thomas studied. But his notes have to be deciphered first. They also have to deal with wild an...
重度听障的女孩林仪珊,在父母林聪墉、沉宝英爱的教育和训练下,找到自己的兴趣,并克服许多障碍,展现舞蹈方面的才能。她比一般人花更多的体力和时间练习舞蹈,即使遇到阻碍,她也没有放弃。在她逐梦的路上,她的父母也跟着她一起成长,做她的最强力后盾。仪珊在 2013 年植入电子耳,一圆「听」的梦想,至今,她仍然持续地参加公益演出。
Brynn , Crowley , Dumont , Heyman , Horrocks , Jessica , Nick , Sarah , Suzan , Treska
乔(托尼·洛·比安科 Tony Lo Bianco 饰)是一个包工头,他的儿子尼克(文森特·斯帕诺 Vincent Spano 饰)因为闹独立而怠工。同时,两个骗子博比(杰斯·亚历山大 Jace Alexander 饰)和齐普拉抢劫了马德的电子仪器商店,而这个抢劫案是由当地无赖卡尔(约翰·塞尔斯 John Sayles 饰)一手策划的。乔拥有L 街的产权,但市长对他施加压力,要求他拆除L街,因为市长急于开发这个地区,以应对检察官对市政府腐败现象的压力。   黑人市政会成员温(乔·莫顿 Joe Morton 饰)安排他的亲戚弗兰克林为马德的电子仪器商店做夜间看守。然而,抢劫案出了差错,弗兰克林成功抓住了博比和齐普,但尼克却侥幸逃脱。与此同时,在L街上,黑人小伙子德斯蒙德和蒂托受到坏警察的骚扰。由于不满,蒂托在公园里抢劫了和温的妻子里莎一起工作的教授莱斯。
故事发生在1989年的德国,斯图加特郊区。此时正值柏林墙摇摇欲坠之际,雷艾伍德,一位陆军第三十七补给军营的战士,从长期在军队里形成的奴隶状态中苏醒,将注意力投向日益繁荣的网上黑市交易。这时一位新士官长(Scott Glenn)上任了,他明确宣布将整顿整个基地低迷的士气。艾伍德不在乎,他自信能搞定这个新官,并且爱上新官的女儿娜宾。然而一次偶然的机会,一批价值五百万的失窃军火从天而降落到了艾伍德的手中,他决定冒风险大赚一笔……