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In Seoul, hundreds of young boys compete to be the best at one single video game: Star-craft. As top players earn hundreds of thousands of euros, being a professional gamer isn't only a wise career move, it is also the path to respect and credibility in the highly competitive society of South Korea. The stars of the Star-craft league are national celebrities, participating on a...
Michael Mosley explores the latest science about how our personalities are created - and whether they can be changed.   Despite appearances, Mosley is a pessimist who constantly frets about the future. He wants to worry less and become more of an optimist.   He tries out two techniques to change this aspect of his personality - with surprising results.   And he travels to the frontie...
爱丽斯·罗伯茨教授身怀着她的第二个孩子,她想在他出生之前探索“人之为人”这个问题。人类基因中有99%的部分是与黑猩猩相同的;然而从出生的那一刻起,人类的生活就完全不一样。所以,人类是否仅仅是一个普通的物种,抑或人类有特殊之处?   爱丽斯教授探索了我们的身体结构、我们的基因、以及最终我们的大脑,试图发现什么终究造就了人类。
In Los Angeles, a remarkable experiment is underway; the police are trying to predict crime, before it even happens.   At the heart of the city of London, one trader believes that he has found the secret of making billions with maths. In South Africa, astronomers are attempting to catalogue the entire cosmos. These very different worlds are united by one thing - an extraordinary ...
Taste is our most indulgent sense but it is only in recent years that we have started to understand why we really love the foods we do - and it is a lot more surprising than you might think.   There may a way to make food taste sweeter without adding any extra sugar and it is all down to a trick that happens in your brain. Horizon meets the scientist who has grown the perfect tom...
Dr Kevin Fong finds out how doctors can avoid making mistakes in the high-pressure, high-stakes world of the operating theatre.   He sets out to learn how other professionals make life and death decisions under pressure, from airline pilots facing emergencies, to the Fire Service dealing with lethal blazes, to the world of Formula One pit crews. Kevin discovers how all these fiel...